Friday, December 17, 2010

What is Love?

On October 31, Brainerd went to the Festival of Gifts and Talents with the plan to make our friends laugh and to share the message of Jesus in a new, fun, highly bearded way. What we didn't expect was to come home with another chance to perform it. Just a small gig in Gatlinburg. Oh, just for 5,000 people or so. 


For the second year in a row, we'll be performing our skit for Resurrection, an amazing youth conference hosted by the Holston Conference. Can't wait to see you up on that stage, guys!! Check out last year's drama on the Resurrection stage on youtube, or just click play on the video to the right of this post!

Here are a few pictures to last you till January! Can't give too much away, of course!
Bearded ladies!

Rehearsing at home before the festival

We had an amazing audience! :)

Action shot!

You should see this guy dance.

The moment we won!

Celebrating! I'm so proud of you guys!

 More details about exactly when we will be performing will be posted when it is announced! Stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

October? More like ROCKTOBER.

October, you are awesome: I'd like to wish you congratulations on your many accomplishments, tenth month.

Happy Clock Month!
Happy Cookie Month!
Happy Eat Country Ham Month!
Aaaaaand happy Sarcastic Month, I guess. 

You're super sweet, October.  Thanks for being you. Two costumed thumbs up for you.

Here's what's coming up!

OCTOBER 31: Festival of Gifts and Talents! This is also a little day called Halloween. We're getting together (wear your costumes!) for a super fun night of hanging out with the Chattanooga district, cheering on some awesome churches, chowing on some grub, and getting our TALENT ON. Be there!

Don't forget that this Sunday, we're meeting at 3:30 in the Fellowship Hall for rehearsal!

Youth Worship is now every Wednesday night!  We are in chapter five of  Forgotten God, Francis Chan's study on the Holy Spirit. If you haven't caught up yet, it's cool. Just jump in with us! The conversations have been awesome... keep them coming.

Are you still sitting on the bench, or are you running the plays??

Monday night girls' group is officially awesome. If you're in high school and have no Y chromosome, come join us!  We meet from 6:30-8:30 and I can give you directions. Our time together usually includes food, hangout time, hilarious names, great conversation about Jesus, and accountability with an incredible group. Also, you could look like this: 
You KNOW you want in on that.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Cup Game. Starring Jimmy!

From the Back-to-School Lock-in.... I would love to think of a better name for this than "The Cup Game."  But, alas. I cannot.

The Cup Game, Starring Jimmy. from Jeanette Hopkins on Vimeo.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

B R A I N E R D  Y O U T H !

Welcome to the brand-new, totally awesome BUMC youth site. Surely your mind is already reeling with the awesomeness, but in case it isn't, here's a run-down of what you will see here in the future:

•News from your youth leaders
•Updates on trips and events
•Pictures and videos, starring YOU
•Info for parents and other generally concerned individuals
•A calendar of important events
•Other impressive stuff you would expect to find on a website like this.

Tell your friends!